Sales Insight related section
The Sales Insight related section displays the marketing information linked to the selected entity.
You can access this section from the details page of these entities:
- Contact
- Lead
- The workspace can be different based on the access rights provided to you or the customization.
- The data is displayed only if the Contact or Lead is linked to Marketo.
You can use the
option from the toolbar in this section, to view this Sales Insight information related to the selected entity:- Priority: KPI indicates a recommended order for the lead that must be contacted.
- Urgency: KPI indicates the change in the score of the lead.
For example, if the lead has recently visited many websites or opened more emails, the sales representative must follow-up more fast.
- Person Score: KPI indicates the score of a lead, in comparison to the other leads. A high score indicates that the person is more interested and informed about the offers than a person with a lower score.
- Engagement: Indicates the interest of a lead and the priority for contacting the lead. This value is calculated based on the Priority, Urgency and the Person Score. The indicates the urgency and the indicates the relative score.
- Interactions: Displays a list of interactions under the KPIs. Each
interaction displays:
- Date
- Icon
- Type
- Name