Sales Order Line Items related section

The Sales Order Line Items related section displays the products or services that are linked to the Sales Order. You can access this section from the Sales Order details page.

Note: You cannot modify the Sales Order Line Item data when the Sales Order status is set to:
  • Approved
  • Deleted
  • Shipped
  • Transmitted to Accounting
  • Closed

The workspace can be different based on the access rights provided to you or if the installation has been customized.

The toolbar options available in this section:

  • Expand: Use this option to view the records in this section. A maximum of 20 records are displayed in the Card or List format.
  • Associate: Use this option to associate a product to the sales order. This option is displayed only for the sales orders with Open status.
  • Add Custom Product: Use this option to add a new custom product. This option is displayed only for the sales orders with Open status.
    • This option is not displayed if the administrator has restricted access in the Custom Settings.
    • This is not applicable for M3 integrated customers.
  • Toggle View: Use this option to switch between the Card and List format.
  • View Full List: Use this option to view or modify the data related to the Sales Order Line Items linked to the selected Sales Order.

You can view the information related to the Sales Order Line Item in the Card or List format. For each record, you can:

  • Click the line item name or Edit to view or modify the sales order line item data in the details page. This option is displayed only for the sales orders with Open status.
  • Click Refresh Pricing to retrieve the latest data from the integrated back office application. This option is displayed only for the sales orders with Open status and when integration with an ERP (Back Office Extension) is enabled.
    Note: This is not applicable for M3 integrated customers.
  • Click Remove Association to disassociate a line item from the Sales Order. This option is displayed only for the sales orders with Open status.