Viewing the Quote Accounting Details

Use the Accounting View in the Quotes details page to view the detailed information about the quote from the integrated back office application.

  1. Access the Quotes details page.
  2. Select Accounting from the Detail menu. The Accounting window is displayed
  3. View or modify this information:
    Back Office
    The associated integrated back office application.
    Note: This information cannot be modified, after the quote is successfully promoted to an integrated back office application.
    Accounting Entity
    The company or accounting entity as defined by the integrated application.
    Note: This information cannot be modified, after the quote is successfully promoted to an integrated back office application.
    Sync Status
    The status of synchronization to the host system.
    External ID
    A unique Quote number assigned by the integrated application.
    Variation ID
    A sequence number defined by the integrated application to ensure outdated content never overwrites updated content in the subscriber application.
    The notes from the associated ERP system from most recent to oldest. These notes cannot be modified.
    The carrier used for delivering the requested products.
    The site or office that generated the quote.
    • This information cannot be modified, after the sales order is successfully promoted to an integrated back office application.
    • This field is enabled when the Allow Override of Back Office Setting check box is selected in the User Maintenance page.
    • If a value is not specified in this field, the Location value specified in the user maintenance page is defaulted.
    Document Date
    A date stamp from the integrated application to identify when the information has been last published.
    Last Modified
    The date on which the quote has been last modified.
  4. Click Save.