Viewing product swap

To vie product swap details:

  1. Click Product Swap in the navigation pane. The Product Swap list page is displayed.
  2. Click the product swap number. The Product Swap details page is displayed.
  3. Click View More to view this information:
    Product Swap Number
    The product swap number.
    The account linked to the product swap number.
    Sales Representative
    The name of the user responsible for the product swap.
    The date on which the products swap is created.
    Swapped Out Total
    The total amount of returned products.
    Swapped In Total
    The total amount of issued products.
    Incentive Value
    Received by Store
    The total amount received by store.
    The balance amount for the product that remains to be paid.
    The reason type specified for the product.
    Note: On this page, you can also view this information:
    • Swapped In products:
      • Product Name
      • Lot Number
      • Quantity
      • Sell Out Price
    • Swapped Out products:
      • Product Name
      • Lot Number
      • Quantity
      • Sell Out Price