Working with Incentive Payments

Use this page to create an Incentive Payment.

Note: The value in these fields can be modified:
  • Date
  • Incentive Reason
  • Status
  • Comments
  1. Click Incentive Payment on the navigation bar. The Incentive Payment list page is displayed.
  2. Click Incentive Number. The Incentive Payment detail page is displayed.
  3. Modify or review this information:
    Incentive Number
    The number associated with the incentive payment.
    The account linked to the incentive payments.
    VAT Percent
    The percent value based on the selected incentive reason.
    VAT Amount
    The calculated amount after the record is synchronized with the web application.
    Amount without VAT
    The original incentive amount.
    The calculated amount after the record is synchronized with the web application.
    Sales Order Number
    The code for the sales order.
    Product Swap Number
    The product swap number.
    Sales Representative
    The name or code of the user.
    The person or team in the organization that manages the access.
    Status Date
    The date when the status is changed.
    The date on which the incentive payment is added by sales represent.
    Incentive Reason
    The reason for which the incentive payment is added.
    The status of the Incentive Payments. Possible values:
    • Hold
    • Requested
    • Approved
    • Rejected
    Rejected Reason
    The reason for which the incentive payment is rejected.
    The description of the reason.
  4. Click the History tab to view the history of activities performed on the selected incentive payment.
    Note: You can click View Full List to view all the activities.
  5. Click the Files tab to view the history of attachments linked to the selected incentive number.
    Note: You can click View Full List to view all the activities.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: On this page, you can:
    • Click Delete to delete the incentive payment.
    • Use the Copy to Clipboard option to copy the incentive number and the linked account name to the clipboard.