Working with the Contact Extended details
To view or modify the extended details of an account:
- Click Contacts in the navigation pane. The Contacts list page is displayed.
- Click the contact name. The Contact details page is displayed.
- Select the Extended Details option from the Menu. The Contact Extended Details page is displayed.
Modify this information, if required:
- Birthday
- The date of birth of a user.
- Spouse
- The name of the spouse.
- Children
- The name of the child.
- Employers
- The employer name or organization with which the contact is associated.
- Interests
- The area of interest.
- Cuisine Preference
- The food preference of the contact.
- Department
- The name of the department.
- Referred By
- The name of person who referred the contact.
- Company Context
- The context in which a company operates.
- Language
- The preferred language of the contact.
- Region
- The region in which contact resides.
- Distribution Chain
- The chain of businesses or intermediaries through which goods or services are provided to the contact.
- Contact ID
- The identification number of the contact.
- Import Source
- The source of import.
- Marketo Person ID
- The identification number of the marketo person.
- Create User
- The user who created the contact.
- Create Date
- The date on which the contact is created.
- Modify User
- The user who last modified the contact details.
- Modify Date
- The date on which the contact details are last modified.
- Preferred Name
- The preferred name of the user.
- Gender
- The gender of the contact.
- Marital Status
- The marital status of the contact.
- Nationality
- The nationality of the contact.
- Advertising Circle
- The list of advertising circle of the contact.
- Click Save.
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