Working with the Contact Extended details

To view or modify the extended details of an account:

  1. Click Contacts in the navigation pane. The Contacts list page is displayed.
  2. Click the contact name. The Contact details page is displayed.
  3. Select the Extended Details option from the Menu. The Contact Extended Details page is displayed.
  4. Modify this information, if required:
    The date of birth of a user.
    The name of the spouse.
    The name of the child.
    The employer name or organization with which the contact is associated.
    The area of interest.
    Cuisine Preference
    The food preference of the contact.
    The name of the department.
    Referred By
    The name of person who referred the contact.
    Company Context
    The context in which a company operates.
    The preferred language of the contact.
    The region in which contact resides.
    Distribution Chain
    The chain of businesses or intermediaries through which goods or services are provided to the contact.
    Contact ID
    The identification number of the contact.
    Import Source
    The source of import.
    Marketo Person ID
    The identification number of the marketo person.
    Create User
    The user who created the contact.
    Create Date
    The date on which the contact is created.
    Modify User
    The user who last modified the contact details.
    Modify Date
    The date on which the contact details are last modified.
    Preferred Name
    The preferred name of the user.
    The gender of the contact.
    Marital Status
    The marital status of the contact.
    The nationality of the contact.
    Advertising Circle
    The list of advertising circle of the contact.
  5. Click Save.