Adding a Campaign Step and Budget
Use the Campaign Step window to add a step and budget to a campaign stage.
To add a campaign step and budget:
- Expand the Stages related section on the Campaign details page.
- Click Description or Edit corresponding to the record that is to be added to campaign step.
- Click Add Step from the Steps section.
Specify this information in the Step section:
- Description
- The description for the campaign step.
- Status
- The status of the step.
- Priority
- The priority of the step.
- Type
- The type of the step.
- Date Needed
- The date on which the step must be completed.
- Completed Date
- The date on which the step is completed. Click Calendar to select the date.
- Percent Complete
- The percentage of step that has been completed. You can specify a value between 0-100.
- Comments
- The additional information related to the step..
Specify this information in the Budget section:
- Estimated Cost
- The estimated cost of the step.
- Actual Cost
- The actual cost of the step.
- Estimated Hours
- The estimated hours required to complete the step.
- Actual Hours
- The actual hours required to complete the step.
- Assign To (Type)
- The type to which the step is assigned.
- Possible values:
- User Team: The user or team to whom the step is assigned.
- Department: The required department.
- Contact: The required contact.
- Other: The name of the required user.
- None: The Assign To field is disabled.
Note: You can use Lookup to find User Team and Contact. - Assign To (Field)
- If the Assign To (Type) field is set to
Department, or Contact, you can select the
corresponding value.
If the Assign To (Type) field is set to Other, you can specify the name of a person.
- Assigned Date
- The date on which the step is assigned. Click Calendar to select the date.
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