Editing Opportunity Contact details

Use the Opportunity details page to modify the contact information. However, the contact or the contact title cannot be modified.

  1. Click Opportunities in the navigation pane. The Opportunities list page is displayed.
  2. Click the opportunity name. The Opportunity details page is displayed.
  3. Expand or collapse the Contacts related section.
  4. Click Edit to modify the contact information. The Edit Opportunity Contact window is displayed.
  5. Select the Primary check box, if this contact is the primary contact for the opportunity.
    Note: If more than one contact is set to Primary, the contact last selected is considered the only primary contact.
  6. Specify this information:
    The role of the contact assigned for the opportunity.
    Preferred Competitor
    The name of the preferred competitor.
    The rating of the Preferred Competitor in the market.
    Personal Benefits
    A brief description of personal benefits provided.
    A brief description of competitor strategy.
    A brief description of specific contact.
  7. Click Submit.