Using Calendar

Use the Calendar to manage the time and keep track of scheduled activities. The Calendar displays both open and completed activities and events, depending on the calendar options. You can view the schedule by the day, week, or month view.

You can schedule, view, edit, complete or delete the activities of the other users based on the calendar security settings. Each user has a separate calendar to view the activities are specific to that user.

Events are displayed at the top of each day as scheduled and span from the start date to the end date. The My Tasks section displays the activities scheduled to start during the selected time period but do not have a specific start time.

Note: The security access determines the options that you can use. Contact the administrator for any access rights changes

Activity types are identified by color:

  • Meeting: Green
  • Phone Call: Blue
  • Event: Purple

On this page:

  • You can select Calendar from the navigation bar to view the Calendar.
  • Select the type of calendar to view.
    • Day: Displays a timeline for the day. Lists all scheduled activities and events for that day.
    • Week: Displays each day in the selected week. Lists scheduled activities and events for each day.
    • Month: Displays month calendar, listing scheduled activities for each day.
      • If the activities cannot fit in the calendar, the number of activities and “more…” displays. Click the text to view additional activities.
      • When more than 5 events occur on a day, the +1 more link displays all activities, not only the events for the selected day.
  • You can view the current date: Click Today to view the current date in the day, week, or month calendar view.
  • You can view Timeless Activities: In the Task Pane, view the Timeless Activities section. The Timeless Activities section displays all the timeless activities scheduled to occur during the selected calendar time frame. For example, day, week, or month. To sort a column, click the column header. To expand a column, click and hold the column divider and drag to the size you need. Click the Type link to open an activity.
  • View completed timeless activities: In the Task Pane, view the Completed Timeless Activities section. The Completed Timeless Activities section displays all of the timeless activities with a completed date within the selected calendar time frame. For example, day, week, or month. Click the Type link to open an activity.
  • View activity details: Hover your mouse over an activity to view important details. Right-click the activity and select Open Activity to open the details page.
  • View event details: Hover your mouse over an event to view important details. Right-click the event and select Open Event to open the details page.
  • Switch between dates: To return to the current date from any other date, click Today. Use the navigation calendar in the Task Pane Calendar section to go to another date.
  • View other user's calendars: In the Task Pane, under Calendar Users, select the user or users you are required to view. If no users are listed, click Edit Calendar Users link to customize your list. You can customize the Calendar Users list to only include the users whose calendars you are required to view on a regular basis. You can include up to 25 users (including yourself) in the list. However, you can only view up to four calendars at a time.
    Note: The calendar security determines whose calendars you can view.
  • Schedule an activity or event: Double-click on the Calendar view. The calendar options determine which type of activity opens by default. You can also right-click in the Calendar and select Schedule Phone Call, Schedule Meeting, Schedule To Do, Schedule Personal Activity, or Schedule Event. Follow the steps for scheduling an activity or event.
  • Change the start time or duration of an activity:
    • To move an activity to another time, click and drag the activity to the new time on the calendar.
    • To change the duration of an activity, by point your mouse on the edge of an activity and drag the edge of the activity up or down.