Using Ad Hoc Product Lookup

Use the Ad Hoc Product Lookup window to add line items to a new sales order.

  • This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.
  • The permissions to add ad hoc products are based on the Allow Ad Hoc Products setting on the User Maintenance page and the Account page.
  1. Click Add on the Product Lookup window.
  2. View or specify this information:
    The name of the product.
    The description of the product.
    The unit of measure.
    The number of products to order. You must specify a value greater than zero to add the product to the order line.
    Product Group
    The product group used for selection and sorting in various contexts.
    Note:  You can use Sales History to review past orders related to selected product on Product Sales Order History window.
  3. Click Submit. The Product Lookup window is displayed.
  4. Click Submit. The Order Summary window is displayed.
    Note:  The products selected from the Product Lookup and Ad Hoc Product Lookup windows are added as line items to the Order Summary window.