Person details page
Salespersons are defined in the host system and provide a means of auto assigning integrated content to corresponding Infor CRM users based on the referenced Salesperson’s Account Manager and Owner selections in the Admin Salesperson Maintenance window.
You can use the details page to view the information for a selected record.
You can access the Person details page, on the System Administration Explorer, you can double click SalesPerson, and then click the person's name.
On this page, you can modify the relationship between the Salesperson defined in the host system and corresponding Infor CRM based users to be assigned as the Account Manager and Owner of new content generated by the host system.
On the Person details page, use the Account Manager lookup to select the corresponding Infor CRM user to be assigned as the Account Manager for new Accounts defined by the host system referencing the host system defined Person ID and click .