Using the Price Service details

  1. Select Master Explorer > System Administration > Audit And Integration > Integrations > Back Office from the navigation pane. The Back Office list page is displayed.
  2. Select the required back office. The Back Office details page is dispplayed.
  3. Click the Price Service tab.
  4. Specify this information:
    Service Type
    This field defines the web service protocol supported by the host ERP system.
    • Select SOAP for LN CE or M3 CE.
    • Select RESTful-JSON for CSD or SX.e.
    This field indicates HTTP/HTTPS method of passing parameter content.
    Action Name
    This field displays the web service functionality used by the price service.
    Note:  This field cannot be modified and assigned by the BOD Pack.
    End Point
    Paste the previously copied tenant specific price service endpoint URL based on the Action Name content:
    • GetOrderPromise
    • GetOrderLinePrice
    • GetOrderTotal, or GetOrderTotalPrice
    Authentication Type
    The Multi-tenant cloud suites required OAuth 2.0 authentication for inter-application API calls.
    Authorization Grant Type
    The Multi-tenant cloud suites require Client Credentials authentication for the service account.
    Authorization URL
    The URL for authorization.
    Note: This field is not required.
    Access Token URL
    The tenant specific access token endpoint URL is determined as:
    • pu value from authorized application credentials download.
    • plus ot value from authorized application credentials download.
    Redirect URL
    The URL for redirecting.
    Note: This field is not required.
    Authorization Key
    This field indicates the Client ID.

    Select ci value from authorized application credentials download.

    Authorization Secret
    This field indicates Client secret.

    Select cs from authorized application credentials download.

    User Name
    This field indicates Service Account Access Key.

    Select saak from authorized application credentials download.

    This field indicates Service Account Secret Key.

    Select sask value from authorized application credentials download.