Using the Price Service details
- Select Master Explorer > System Administration > Audit And Integration > Integrations > Back Office from the navigation pane. The Back Office list page is displayed.
- Select the required back office. The Back Office details page is dispplayed.
- Click the Price Service tab.
- Specify this information:
- Service Type
- This field defines the web service protocol supported by the host ERP system.
- Select SOAP for LN CE or M3 CE.
- Select RESTful-JSON for CSD or SX.e.
- Method
- This field indicates HTTP/HTTPS method of passing parameter content.
- Action Name
- This field displays the web service functionality used by
the price service.Note: This field cannot be modified and assigned by the BOD Pack.
- End Point
- Paste the previously copied tenant specific price service
endpoint URL based on the Action
Name content:
- GetOrderPromise
- GetOrderLinePrice
- GetOrderTotal, or GetOrderTotalPrice
- Authentication Type
- The Multi-tenant cloud suites required OAuth 2.0 authentication for inter-application API calls.
- Authorization Grant Type
- The Multi-tenant cloud suites require Client Credentials authentication for the service account.
- Authorization URL
- The URL for authorization.Note: This field is not required.
- Access Token URL
- The tenant specific access token endpoint URL is determined
- pu value from authorized application credentials download.
- plus ot value from authorized application credentials download.
- Redirect URL
- The URL for redirecting.Note: This field is not required.
- Authorization Key
- This field indicates the Client ID.
Select ci value from authorized application credentials download.
- Authorization Secret
- This field indicates Client secret.
Select cs from authorized application credentials download.
- User Name
- This field indicates Service Account Access Key.
Select saak from authorized application credentials download.
- Password
- This field indicates Service Account Secret Key.
Select sask value from authorized application credentials download.