Creating Aliases
Use the Infor M3 application to create a Product Alias.
- Click the App menu and select Infor M3 to access the Infor M3 application.
- Press Ctrl + R. The Search and Start window is displayed.
- Specify OIS005 in the Search field and click OK. The OIS005 Customer list page is displayed.
- Specify the required Customer (Chain) and Item numbers on the Customer Item page.
- Click Create on the toolbar.
- Specify this information:
- Alias Number
- The unique number associated with the Alias.
- From Date
- Name
- The name of the Alias.
- Description
- The description of the Alias.
Click Next. The customer and the
product created are displayed on the OIS005 list page.
Note: You can repeat these steps to create an alias for the account and business chain level 3.
- Click the App menu and select Infor CRM CE. The Infor CRM CE application is displayed.
- Select Products in the navigation bar. The Products list page is displayed.
- Select the required product.
- Click the Name link. The Product details page is displayed.
- Expand the Alias section. The Alias related items list is displayed.
Click the drop down on the Alias
menu. The Alias related items list is displayed.
Note: You can select the required chain associated to the account.