Creating Aliases

Use the Infor M3 application to create a Product Alias.

  1. Click the App menu and select Infor M3 to access the Infor M3 application.
  2. Press Ctrl + R. The Search and Start window is displayed.
  3. Specify OIS005 in the Search field and click OK. The OIS005 Customer list page is displayed.
  4. Specify the required Customer (Chain) and Item numbers on the Customer Item page.
  5. Click Create on the toolbar.
  6. Specify this information:
    Alias Number
    The unique number associated with the Alias.
    From Date
    The name of the Alias.
    The description of the Alias.
  7. Click Next. The customer and the product created are displayed on the OIS005 list page.
    Note: You can repeat these steps to create an alias for the account and business chain level 3.
  8. Click the App menu and select Infor CRM CE. The Infor CRM CE application is displayed.
  9. Select Products in the navigation bar. The Products list page is displayed.
  10. Select the required product.
  11. Click the Name link. The Product details page is displayed.
  12. Expand the Alias section. The Alias related items list is displayed.
  13. Click the drop down on the Alias menu. The Alias related items list is displayed.
    Note: You can select the required chain associated to the account.