User Info tab
Use the User Info tab to see, add, edit information for the selected record.
Note: You must be logged on to the Infor
CRM Administration Client and have appropriate permissions to perform this task.
- To use the User Info tab, select from the navigation pane. Click the required record name and select the User Info tab.
- Specify or review this information:
- First Name
- The first name of the user.
- Last Name
- The last name of the user.
- Formatted Name
- The first and last name of the user.
- Title
- The title of the user within the organization.
- Is Manager
- Determines if the user is a manager and their name must display in the Manager list.
- Default Owner
- The default owner for new accounts created by this user.
- Allow User To Override
- If this check box is selected, the ownership of an account can default to an owner who does not adhere to established business rules. If this check box is cleared, the user cannot change the default owner setting.
- Manager
- The manager of the user.
- Allow Manager Access
- If this check box is selected, the manager of the user can access accounts that are owned by the user.
- CRM User ID
- The internal ID of the user. You cannot modify this value.
- User Seccode
- The seccode ID of the user. You cannot modify this value.
- Default Back Office
- The default active back office.Note:
- The value in this field is defaulted in the Accounting window.
- If the value in this field is modified, the values specified in the Default Accounting Entity and Default Location are cleared.
- Allow Zero Product Price
- Indicates if the user is allowed to set a product as Free of Charge in the Order Summary window, when
creating a new sales order.Note: This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.
- Allow Ad Hoc Products
- Indicates if the user can access the Ad Hoc Product Lookup window from the Product
Lookup window, when creating a new sales order.Note: This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.
- Default Accounting Entity
- The default active accounting entity. Note:
- The value in this field is defaulted in the Accounting window.
- If the value in this field is modified, the value specified in the Default Location is cleared.
- This field must have an M3 back office to access features specific for M3 integrated customers.
- Default Location
- The default active location.Note:
- The value in this field is defaulted in the Accounting window.
- This is not applicable for M3 integrated customers.
- Default Warehouse
- The default active warehouse used when creating a new account or sales order. You
can select an appropriate warehouse where the user's Van Stock content is
- This is not applicable for M3 integrated customers.
- This field is required for users responsible for remote Van Stock inventory.
- This field is optional for users who are not responsible for remote Van Stock inventory.
- Default Stock Bin
- The default stock location for the Stock
Bin field when processing van sale-based sales orders. The specified
value must correspond with the actual M3 Stock
Location defined in the host M3 inventory system for the remote
Van Stock inventory content assigned to
the user.Note:
- This is not applicable for M3 integrated customers.
- This field is displayed when the M3 Van Stock Enabled field is set to True on the Custom Settings Maintenance page.
- This field is optional for users who are not responsible for remote Van Stock inventory.
- Default Restock Warehouse
- The M3 based warehouse responsible for the user’s stock replenishment orders.Note:
- This is not applicable for M3 integrated customers.
- This field is displayed when the M3 Van Stock Enabled field is set to True on the Custom Settings Maintenance page.
- This field is optional for users who are not responsible for remote Van Stock inventory.
- Allow Override of Back Office Settings
- If this check box is selected, the user is authorized to update the back office accounting data.
- Van Number
- The number that is used as Cash Code and
Delivery Index when a sales ticket line
of a Standard Van Sale order is sent to M3
through POS API. This number is unique for each user.Note:
- This is not applicable for M3 integrated customers.
- This field is displayed when the M3 Van Stock Enabled field is set to True on the Custom Settings Maintenance page.
- Van Invoice Prefix
- The invoice prefix that is used when an Invoice is generated by the user. This field
accepts up to three characters and is defaulted to the first three characters of Van
Number. If not unique, it defaults to blank.Note:
- This value is defaulted only if the prefix is unique for users in the same accounting entity.
- This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.
- This field is displayed when the M3 Van Stock Enabled field is set to True on the Custom Settings Maintenance page.
- Last Invoice Used
- The last Invoice Number generated by the user.Note:
- This value cannot be modified.
- This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.
- This field is displayed when the M3 Van Stock Enabled field is set to True on the Custom Settings Maintenance page.
- Cash Desk
- The Cash Desk of a Pre-Selling Van Sale order sent to M3 through API, for payment.
The default value is populated based on the selected accounting entity. Note:
- This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.
- This field is displayed when the M3 Van Stock Enabled field is set to True on the Custom Settings Maintenance page.
- Sales Order Settlement Discounts
- The allowed settlement discounts that a user is authorized to grant for a sales
- You can click Sales Order Settlement Discount window wherein you can select the applicable settlement discounts. to access the
- The Allow Discount check box must be selected to authorize the user to grant the settlement discount for a sales order.
- Click icon to remove a selected record from the grid.
Note: This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.