Quote Order Line Item overview

The Quote Order Line Item page displays the product information including pricing, ERP, shipping, sub-line, and discount/charges details.

Note: The fields are displayed based on the access rights provided to you or if the installation has been customized. You can only view the details and require ERP integration to add or modify the details.

You can view this information on the Quote Line Item details page:

Line Number
The line number in the quote.
The name of product.
A brief description of the quote.

You can view these tabs on this page:

The Pricing tab: Displays pricing information for the selected line item.

  • Unit Of Measure
    The unit of measure for the unit price. For example, Each, Doz, Box, Case and so on.
  • Quantity
    The number of products.
  • The price of the product, minus the discount.
  • Extended Price
    The adjusted price multiplied by the quantity.
  • Location
    The site or office from where the order is generated.
    • This information cannot be modified, once the sales order is successfully promoted to an integrated back office application.Adjusted Price
    • This field is enabled when the Allow Override of Back Office Setting check box is selected in the User Maintenance page.
    • If a value is not specified in this field, the Location value specified in the user maintenance page is defaulted.

The ERP Details tab: Displays host system based content for selected line item.

  • Status
    AdjustStatus content can vary based on the active host system. The possible values of standard status are
    • Open
    • Shipped
    • Partially Shipped
    • Invoiced
    • Hold
    • Canceled
    • Deleted
    Inco Term
    The pick list of International Commercial Terms for the shipment.
    Carrier Name
    The implementation specific shipment carrier. Possible values:
    • UPS
    • FedEx
    • USPS
    Status Date
    The date on which current status was applied.
    Request Rush
    Indicates whether a Rush or expedite is requested.
    The host system based line level notes.
    Default Shipping
    Displays date information for selected line item.
    Required Delivery Date
    The date on which the buyer/customer requests the order to be delivered.
    Promised Ship Date
    The date and time by which the items are promised to be shipped.
    Promised Delivery Date
    The date and time by which the items are promised to be delivered.
    Ship To
    The Optional line level host system based Ship To ID
    Drop Ship
    Select this check box to drop the ship.
    Some host systems publish additional information related to the product on the Line. The Subline can be used to describe a specific configuration of the ordered item.
    Drop Ship
    Select this check box to drop the ship.
    Line Number
    The incremental line number.
    The component description.
    The unit of measure describing the quantity.
    The required number of units of the specified product.
    Host system supplied notes.
    Some host systems publish additional line level discounts and charges.
    The host system based name for the discount or charge.
    The description of the discount or charge.
    The price of each unit.
    The discount or charge amount in transaction currency.
    Reason Code
    The host system based discount or charge code.
    Unit Adjusted Amount
    The optional per unit discount or charge amount.