BOD Pack BOD Mappings tab
The BOD Mappings tab lists the BOD Mappings available in the selected ERP BOD Pack. Each BOD Mapping defines the transformation of a specific BOD noun into the integrated Infor CRM content. The possible nouns:
- CustomerPartyMaster
- ContactMaster
- ShipToPartyMaster
- BillToPartyMaster
- Quote
- SalesOrder
- Shipment
- Invoice
- You can click BOD Mappings on the Back Office details page to view this tab.
- Only the system administrators and users with appropriate permission can access these features.
- This is applicable only for Infor CRM Back Office Extension.
On this page you can:
- Click BOD Mapping details page. name to view
- Edit BOD Mappings. The out of the box BOD pack content, including BOD mappings, cannot be modified to provide upgrade-safe BOD pack enhancements. A standard BOD mapping can be customized or modified by selecting the Customize link on the BOD Mapping tab of the Back Office detail form.
Note: The content cannot be modified in the
BOD Mapping tab grid.