Date specific exchange rate periods

Infor CRM CE enables creating date-specific exchange rates by providing the ability to define weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly exchange rate periods. All exchange rate codes contain identical period definitions. New periods are automatically generated by the system as required. The new periods default to use the exchange rate value for the specific currency code’s previous period until the exchange rate is modified.

In most cases, the integrator or administrator defines the standard exchange rate period duration, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly as part of the initial system configuration. Manual updates of the actual exchange rate factor are required for each of the active currency codes before a period changes to active based on transaction dates.

Select the Modify Periods common task to define or modify the resolution of the date based exchange rate records.

Note: The completion of the Modify Periods common task window queues up a back-ground task to generate the requested date based period records. The new records are not displayed on the Exchange Rates page until the background process has completed. The new records are not displayed until the user has exited and reloaded the Exchange Rates page.