Multiregional Address and Phone Number Formatting

Each country has a specific format to represent postal addresses and phone numbers.

The Multiregional Address and Phone Number Formatting functionality allows you to maintain country-specific address and phone number formats. This functionality is enabled by default. If the implementation of Infor CRM CE is integrated with a supported ERP system, you do not require to upgrade the BOD field mappings.

Note: You cannot disable this functionality.

With this functionality enabled, the addresses and phone numbers are displayed in the format specific to the selected country. The address formats provided in Infor CRM are retrieved from the I18n services' website:

The administrator or user with appropriate permissions can modify the existing formats in the Administration Portal by selecting Countries from the left navigation menu. If the administrator does not define all the properties for a country-specific address format, the US address format is used to maintain the properties that are not defined.

  • The addresses and phone numbers are displayed in the country-specific format in Infor CRM Sales Portal.
  • This functionality enables you to check that the specified address and phone numbers is in the format defined for a country. However, the functionality does not check if the specified addresses and phone numbers are valid.


Johnson and Johnson Ltd. is an organization using Infor CRM CE and is located in Australia. Smith is a sales representative at this organization and is working on an Opportunity. He specifies the contact details of the Opportunity in Infor CRM Sales Cloud. The address and phone number specified for the Opportunity are displayed in the US address and phone number format, and not the Australian address and phone number format. Smith requires the address and phone number in the format specific to Australia, for further processing. Smith can maintain the address in the format specific to Australia with the Multiregional Addressing and Phone Number functionality.