Adding Agreement Orders

To create an agreement order:

  1. Select Visit Planning on the navigation bar. The Visit Planning screen is displayed.
  2. Select the account name from the Account dropdown.
  3. Click the Day option. The account related details are displayed.
  4. Click the Green icon. The Visit Execution list page is displayed.
  5. Click the Hamburger icon
  6. Select Agreements and Promotions from the menu. The Agreements and Promotions list page is displayed..
  7. Select the required promotion to add the agreement order.
  8. Click the Green icon on the Order column of the promotion. The list of items related to the selected promotion are displayed.
  9. Modify the quantity of the items available for the items.
  10. Click Forward to open the order details. The Order Summary screen is displayed.
    Note: The order type and Status can be modified.
  11. Click the Check icon to save the order.