Modifying Columns in Word template tables

When modifying the columns in the Edit Columns window, the column information must be created from the SQL query. If no columns are defined, you are prompted to create column definitions from the SQL query. The table columns must match SQL query to ensure the table displays data as expected.

  • This option is available in Microsoft Word only after installing application Mail Merge for Microsoft Word and cannot be accessed from the application Web Client.
  • If you update the SQL query, you may be prompted to update the table columns. If you click Yes, the Edit Columns dialog box opens and reloads the table columns for you to format if necessary.

To modify table columns:

In the Edit Columns window, you can:

  • Click in the column grid to view and edit an existing column data. You can also click Add Column to add a new column at the end of the list. You can modify this information:
    The text that is displayed in the first cell of a column.
    The alignment of the text in the cell. You can change the alignment from Default to Left Justify, Right Justify, and Center Justify.
    Format Type
    The type of formatting that must be applied to this field. These are the possible values:
    • (none)
    • Fixed
    • Integer
    • DateTime
    • Percent
    • Currency
    • User
    • Phone
    • Owner
    • Boolean
    • Pick List ID
    • Pick List Code
    Note: If selected, from the Format Type list, select the name of the pick list you require to define.
    Format String
    The string that must be used for the selected Format Type.
    Footer Type
    The type of footer that must be used. For Example: None, Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Median, or Mean.
    Footer Text
    The type of footer text that must be used for the footer type.
    DB Name
    The name of the field in the database as referenced in the SQL query.
  • Click Delete Column to remove the selected column from the list.
  • Click Move Up to move the selected column one position up. If the column is already in the first position, this action has no effect.
  • Click Move Down to move the selected column one position down. If the column is already in the last position, this action has no effect.
  • Click Reload to add any columns that require to be added based on the SQL Query. See Modifying SQL in a Word Template SQL Merge field

    If your table contains columns that are not listed in the SQL query, the columns in the merged document do not contain any data.