Adding or modifying a security profile

Use this window to add information for a new security profile or modify the information for an existing security profile.

Note: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features. See What are Roles and Secured Actions?

To add or modify a security profile:

  1. Access the Security Manager view. See Using the Security Manager view
  2. Click Add Profile or Edit Profile link on the Task Pane, under Common Tasks section. See Using the Task Pane
  3. Specify a brief and descriptive name for the security profile in the Name field.
  4. Select User or System option in the Profile Type field.
    Note: The two types are provided for organizational purposes only; no functional differences exist between them. System profiles are intended to be used with teams, while user profiles are intended to be used with individual users.
  5. Click OK.
    Note: For steps to update access rights within a profile, see Updating field access within a security profile