Contracts list view KPIs

The table for a list and brief description of each out-of-the-box Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

Note: Some date based KPIs can show one day less than expected due to how time in a date or time field is calculated.
KPI Description
Average Days to Expire Sum of days between today and end date for all contracts in the list, divided by the number of contracts in the list.

Based on End Date.

Contract Amount Average Sum of the contract amounts for all contracts in the list, divided by the number of contracts in the list.

Based on the Contract Amount.

Contract Amount Range The lowest and highest contract amount values in the list of contracts.

Based on the Contract Amount.

Contract Amount Total Sum of the contract amounts for all contracts in the list.

Based on the Contract Amount.

Days to Expire Range The lowest and highest number of days remaining in the list of contracts.
Expired Count of contracts with an end date earlier than today.

Based on End Date.

Expiring This Month Count of contracts with an end date within this month.

Based on the calendar month and End Date.

Expiring This Quarter Count of contracts with an end date within this quarter.

Based on the current quarter as defined by your company and End Date.

Expiring This Week Count of contracts with an end date within this week.

Based on a week of Sunday to Saturday and End Date.