Setting Customer Service Options

Use the Customer Service Options tab to set the default options for the customer service features, like Tickets. Customer Service Options enables you to set options like date and time stamp settings and time tracking options.

To set customer service options:

  1. Click Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab.
  3. Perform these steps under Time Tracking:
    1. Select Automatically Punch In to a new Ticket if you are required to track your time when processing new issue. See Using Punch In and Punch Out
    2. Type the number of minutes in the Prompt to Punch In to an existing Ticket field if you are required to track your time when processing and resolving existing issues.
    3. Select Display Ticket Activity on Punch Out to automatically display the Edit Ticket Activity window for you to specify activity information when punching out of a ticket. See Adding and modifying ticket activities
    4. Select Display Ticket Activity on completion of Calendar Activity (Windows version only) to automatically display the Edit Ticket Activity window for you to enter the activity information for a completed calendar activity.
      Note: This option is available only for the Windows Client.
  4. Click Save.