Plugin information fields

The plugin information fields contain read-only information about the selected plugin.
Field Description
Name The name of the plugin.
Display Name A description of the plugin.
Version The version of the selected plugin. There may be multiple versions of a plugin.
Family The category of the plugin. Families are a way of categorizing plugins for display purposes.
Company The Company who created the plugin. Plugins created by Infor CRM SLX have a company of Infor or SalesLogix and cannot be deleted.
Read Only Indicates if the plugin is read-only and therefore, cannot be deleted.
Released Indicates if the plugin is released to users.
Released Date The date on which the plugin was most recently released.
Create User The author of the plugin.
Create Date The date on which the plugin is created.
Modify User The user who last modified the plugin
Modify Date The date on which the plugin has been last modified.