Modifying attachment information

You can use this view to alter the attachment description and upload a new version of an attachment. Attachments synchronize.

Note: You cannot attach files that are larger than 4MB. A error is displayed unless your administrator has customized your settings.

To modify attachment information:

  1. Access the Attachments tab. See Attachments tab.
  2. Select the attachment that you require to modify, and click Edit.
  3. Update the Description field if required.
  4. Click Select Different File to upload a different file.
  5. Click Open, browse to the new file you require to upload.
    Note: If you make changes to an attachment you must upload the new file for those changes to be available in the application. Any changes you make are made to a local copy of the file, not the attached file. To link to a different URL, in the URL field, specify the new URL.