Emailing single contact or lead
To email a single contact or lead:
Perform one of these actions:
Click Email icon for the email address on the
Contacts or Leads detail
Note: You can also select Email from the Compose menu.
- Click an email hyperlink or right-click a record and select Email from Contact or Lead list view.
- Click Email from the Task Pane.
Click Email icon for the email address on the
Contacts or Leads detail
- Click Yes to log on if email is enabled, but you have not logged on.
- Specify the Subject and message body in the new email window.
- (Optionally) Click Insert if the email message requires an attachment, and select one of the menu options.
Click Send to CRM if using
Microsoft Outlook. If you attached a file and require to save the file as an
attachment, click Yes when prompted.
The email message is recorded to history, and the file is displayed on the
Attachments tab.
Note: Graphic files smaller than the minimum size set by the administrator are not be saved as separate attachments.