Enabling the Discrete type for the address

Discrete address must be enabled to allow the application to receive and process the discrete type of address.

Note: Only the users with Administrator role can perform this process.
  1. Ensure that the latest BOD packs are installed.
  2. Log on to the application.
  3. Select Integration > Integrations on the Navigation Bar.
  4. Right-click Active BOD Field Mappings tab and select Edit. The Query Builder window is displayed.
    Note: If BOD address field mappings are customized, you must select Edit on the Active Custom BOD Field Mapping Group tab.
  6. Click the Layout tab.
  7. Double-click Entity Xpath in the Column field. Alternatively, you can manually drag and drop Entity Xpath from the Column field to the Layout tab.
  8. Click OK.
  9. View the record with this criteria on the Lookup Results tab:
    • Entity column equal to Address.
    • Entity XPath column equal to (BOD content)/Address.
  10. Update the Entity XPath field, by specifying this code:
    Address[(@type=''Discrete '' or @type = '''' or not(@type)) and (@languageCode=''en-US'' or not (@languageCode))] 
  11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for all the records, with Entity XPath column value (BOD content)/Address.
    Note: You must replace @type = "Text" with @type = "Discrete", in all the BOD field mappings.

    Before the update, the code looks like:

    (BOD content)/Address[(@type=''Text '' or @type = '''' or not(@type)) and (@languageCode=''en-US'' or not (@languageCode))]

    After the update, the code looks like:

    (BOD content)/Address[(@type=''Discrete '' or @type = '''' or not(@type)) and (@languageCode=''en-US'' or not (@languageCode))]
    Note: The BOD content is based on the type of BOD selected.