Selecting a File to Import

Use this view to select the file that contains the leads to be imported.

Use the Import Leads view to import lead lists into the application. You must import leads only from a comma-separated-values (CSV) list. Valid file types include Microsoft Excel, .txt files, and other database file types, but files must be saved as a CSV file.

Note: The text files must be ANSI or ASCII delimited text files.

To select a file:

  1. Access the Import Leads window. See Importing leads from a list.
  2. Click Choose File in the Select a file containing Leads information to start field and browse to the location to be imported, and click Open.
    The file displays in the Current Lead List File field.
  3. Click Find in the Default Owner field to select the person or team who owns the imported leads. See Finding records
  4. Click the Default Lead Source arrow to select how the imported leads are generated.
  5. Select Add Imported Leads to ad hoc group check box and do one of the following to add the leads to an ad hoc group:
    • To add the imported leads to a new group, select Create a new ad hoc group and specify group name in the field.
    • To add leads to an existing group, select Add Leads to this existing ad hoc group, then select a group from the list.
  6. Click Next to go to the next step. See Defining a Delimiter