What happens when I move or duplicate a contact?

You can move a contact or make a duplicate of a contact and attach the same to another account.

  • To associate the contact with only the new account, you can move the contact to that account. See Moving a contact
  • To associate the contact to both the accounts, you can duplicate the contact to another account. See Duplicating a contact

What happens when I move a contact?

Note: You cannot move the last contact of an account if any open records exist that cannot move with the contact, for example opportunities or tickets. For more information, see Why Can I Not Move this Contact?.
Item Actions
Contact Details Move with the contact to the new account.

You can:

  • Move the activities with the contact to the new account.
  • Retain the activities with the account and reassign to another contact.
Address Information

You can:

  • Retain the contact address information.
  • Use the new account address information.
Attachments Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Contracts (Open) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Contracts (Closed) Remain associated with the original contact and account, even though the contact is no longer associated with the account.

You can:

  • Move the notes or history with the contact to the new account.
  • Retain the notes or history with the account and reassign to another contact.
Literature Requests (Open) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Literature Requests (Fulfilled) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Opportunities (Open) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Opportunities (Closed) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Returns (Open) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Returns (Closed) Remain associated with the original contact and account, even though the contact is no longer associated with the account.
Sales Orders (Open) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Sales Orders (Closed) Remain associated with the original contact and account, even though the contact is no longer associated with the account.
Tickets (Open) Must remain with the account and be reassigned to another contact.
Tickets (Closed) Remain associated with the original contact and account, even though the contact is no longer associated with the account.

What happens when I duplicate a contact?

Item Actions
Contact Details Copied to the new contact.
Activities By default this information remains with the original contact, but you can choose to move it to the new contact.
Address Information

You can:

  • Retain the contact's address information.
  • Use the new account's address information.
Attachments Remain with the original contact and account.
Contracts (Open) Remain with the original contact and account.
Contracts (Closed) Remain with the original contact and account.
History By default this information remains with the original contact, but you can choose to move it to the new contact.
Literature Requests (Open) Remain with the original contact and account.
Literature Requests (Fulfilled) Remain with the original contact and account.
Notes By default this information remains with the original contact, but you can choose to move it to the new contact.
Opportunities (Open) Remain with the original contact and account.
Opportunities (Closed) Remain with the original contact and account.
Returns (Open) Remain with the original contact and account.
Returns (Closed) Remain with the original contact and account.
Sales Orders (Open) Remain with the original contact and account.
Sales Orders (Closed) Remain with the original contact and account.
Tickets (Open) Remain with the original contact and account.
Tickets (Closed) Remain with the original contact and account.