Setting up SMTP email

To set up SMTP email:

  1. Click Administration > Office Profile list view on the Navigation Bar.
  2. Select the required company name to access the Office Profile detail view.
  3. Click the Email Setup tab.
  4. Specify the email address in the From Email Address field, the CRM Workflow automated email notifications and mail merges output to Email are sent from this email address.
  5. Specify the password for the email account that can be the From Email Address in From Email Password field automated email notifications and mail merges output to Email.
  6. Retype the specified password in the Confirm Password field.
  7. Specify the host SMTP email server name and domain for the From Email Address account in SMTP Email Server.
  8. Specify the host SMTP port address in the SMTP Port field. Standard ports are 25 or 587. A secured SSL port is typically 465.