Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides an additional security layer. Users are required to provide a unique and time sensitive code before being signed in to the Infor CRM SLX Web Client. There are the two supported Multi-Factor Authentication methods. You can set up one or both of these methods:

  • Authentication Application: Use an authentication application to generate a unique and time sensitive sign in code.
  • Email: Users receive an email with a unique and time sensitive sign in code.

To implement Multi-Factor Authentication:

  1. Determine the Multi-Factor Authentication methods you require to use. You can use more than one method. Possible values:
    • Email
    • Authentication Application
  2. Configure these custom settings for the method or methods you require to use.
    • Authentication Application:
      • The TOTP issuer display name: Specify the text to be displayed in the authentication application account in the Data Value field and click Save.
    • Email:
      • Enable SMTP tracing: The default value is set to False. To enable SMTP tracing, specify True in the Data Value field, and click Save.
      • The email subject of the MFA email message: Specify the text to display in the email notification subject in the Data Value field and click Save.
      • The reply to display name: Specify the display name to use if a user replies to the email notification in the Data Value field and click Save.
      • The reply to email address: Specify the email address to use if a user replies to the email notification in the Data Value field and click Save.
  3. Set up Email options on the Office Profile Email Setup tab if you are implementing the Email method:
    1. Access the Office Profile detail view.
    2. Click the Email Setup tab.
    3. Complete the Email From options. See Office Profile Email Setup tab
    4. Click Save.
  4. Notify the users that Multi-Factor Authentication is implemented and provide instructions and recommendations for users based on the supported authentication methods.
    Note: You must instruct users to set up a supported authentication device in the Multi-Factor Authentication tab from the Tools menu, before enabling Multi-Factor Authentication so that the users can have an authentication method. For detailed steps, see Managing Multi-Factor Authentication methods
  5. Enable and define Multi-Factor Authentication:
    1. Access the Office Profile detail view.
    2. Click the Security tab.
    3. Select the Use Multi-Factor Authentication check box.
    4. Select one or more Authentication Methods. Possible values:
      • Authentication Application
      • Email
    5. Click Save.
      Note: Once Multi-Factor Authentication is enabled and saved, all signed in users are automatically signed out of the Infor CRM SLX Web client and are redirected to the Multi-Factor Authentication page.