Product Price Levels tab
You can use the Price Levels tab on the Product detail view to view or manage product pricing information.
- The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.
- If the Price Levels tab do not display in the detail view, click More Tabs to access the list of available tabs.
- Select Price Levels and drag it into the tab area or into the user-defined area of the detail view.
- You can view the Price
Levels tab, only if the Value field is set to True, on the Options tab, in the Back Office Extension detail view, for at least one of these
options (or if the Back office extension is disabled):
- Local CRM Pricing Quote
- Local CRM Pricing Sales Order
- Local CRM Pricing Opportunity
On this page, you can:
- Add a product price.
- Modify a product price.
- Delete a product price.
The Price Levels tab displays the following information:
- Description
- The price description.
- Price
- The price for the product. This column is based upon the default currency type as defined by the administrator.
- Default
- The default price for the product.