Condition parameters

This application provides parameters in the Conditions, Value is list for string, integer, and date/time fields for certain operators. These parameters replace the need for common subqueries and allow more complex date range parameters.

Some parameters contain a placeholder value, represented as "x", that requires additional input to define the parameter.

Date/Time Parameters

Table 1. Additional parameters are available for the following operators:
Operator Meaning
> greater than After 00:00 on the selected date
>= greater than or equal to After and including the selected date
< less than Before
<= less than or equal to Before and including the selected date
= equal to On the selected date
<> not equal Before or after, but not on the selected date
Table 2. These parameters are available for date time fields using the preceding operators:
Item Description Additional Input
:FiscalQuarter The current fiscal quarter defined by your organization.
:FiscalLastQuarter The previous fiscal quarter defined by your organization.
:FiscalNextQuarter The upcoming fiscal quarter defined by your organization.
:FiscalYear The current fiscal year defined by your organization.
:FiscalLastYear The previous fiscal year defined by your organization.
:FiscalNextYear The upcoming fiscal year as defined by your organization.
:LastMonday The most recent Monday.
:LastTuesday The most recent Tuesday.
:LastWednesday The most recent Wednesday.
:LastThrusday The most recent Thrusday.
:LastFriday The most recent Friday.
:LastSaturday The most recent Saturday.
:LastSunday The most recent Sunday.
:LastWeek The preceding calendar week starting with Monday.
:LastMonth The preceding calendar month.
:LastQuarter The preceding quarter as defined by your organization.
:LastYear The preceding calendar year.
:NextDay The upcoming day.
:NextWeek The upcoming calendar week starting with Monday.
:NextMonth The upcoming calendar month.
:NextQuarter The upcoming quarter as defined by your organization.
:NextYear The upcoming calendar year.
NextMonday The upcoming Monday.
NextTuesday The upcoming Tuesday.
NextWednesday The upcoming Wednesday.
NextThrusday The upcoming Thursday.
NextFriday The upcoming Friday.
NextSatrurday The upcoming Saturday.
NextSunday The upcoming Sunday.
:Now The current date and time.
:ThisWeek The current calendar week.
:ThisMonth The current calendar month.
:ThisQuarter The current quarter as defined by your organization.
:ThisYear The current calendar year.
:Today The current day.
:Tomorrow The upcoming calendar day.
:XDaysAgo A number of previous days where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:XWeeksAgo A number of previous weeks where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:XMonthsAgo A number of previous months where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:XQuartersAgo A number of previous quarters, as defined by your organization, where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:XYearsAgo A number of previous years where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:XDaysFromNow A number of upcoming days where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:XWeeksFromNow A number of upcoming weeks where "X" is a placeholder for a number

Replace the "x" with a numeric value.



:XMonthsFromNow A number of upcoming months where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

for a number. Replace the "X value.



:XQuartersFromNow A number of upcoming quarters, as defined by your organization, where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:XYearsFromNow A number of upcoming years where "X" is a placeholder for a number.

Replace the "X" with a numeric value.



:Yesterday The preceding calendar day.
Table 3. Additional Items not listed in the drop down, but can be typed into the Value is field:
Item Description Additional Input
:Next<Month> Parameter to specify a future month.

Click in the Value is box and type Next followed by the month name.



:Last<Month> Parameter to specify a previous month

Click in the Value is box and type :Last followed by the month name.



Integer/String Parameters

These parameters are available for the following operators:
  • In
Item Description Example
:AccountOwnerList Returns all unique seccodes that own accounts.
:DefectAssignList Returns all unique seccodes that have defects assigned to them.
:DefectOwnerList Returns all unique seccodes that own defects.
:DuplicateAccounts Returns accounts where the same Account Name is associated with more than 1 account record. Duplicate Suspects group
:DuplicateContactEmails Returns contacts where the same email address is associated with more than 1 contact record. Duplicate Emails group
:DuplicateMarketoContacts Returns Marketo contacts where the same ContactID is associated with more than 1 Marketo contact record.
:DuplicateMarketoEmails Returns Marketo leads where the same email address is associated with more than 1 record.
:DuplicateMarketoLeads Returns Marketo leads where the same LeadID is associated with more than 1 Marketo lead record.
:TicketAssignList Returns all unique seccodes that have tickets assigned to them.
:TouchedLeads Returns leads where the modify date is more recent than the create date Touched Leads group
These parameters are available for the following operators:
  • = equal to
  • <> not equal to
  • > greater than
  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal to
  • >= greater than or equal to
Item Description
AdHocGroupID The ID of the current adhoc group
BindID The ID of the currently selected record (details view)
OwnerID The Seccode ID of the current user
UserID Current user's ID.