Condition parameters
This application provides parameters in the Conditions, Value is list for string, integer, and date/time fields for certain operators. These parameters replace the need for common subqueries and allow more complex date range parameters.
Some parameters contain a placeholder value, represented as "x", that requires additional input to define the parameter.
Date/Time Parameters
Operator | Meaning |
> greater than | After 00:00 on the selected date |
>= greater than or equal to | After and including the selected date |
< less than | Before |
<= less than or equal to | Before and including the selected date |
= equal to | On the selected date |
<> not equal | Before or after, but not on the selected date |
Item | Description | Additional Input |
:FiscalQuarter | The current fiscal quarter defined by your organization. | |
:FiscalLastQuarter | The previous fiscal quarter defined by your organization. | |
:FiscalNextQuarter | The upcoming fiscal quarter defined by your organization. | |
:FiscalYear | The current fiscal year defined by your organization. | |
:FiscalLastYear | The previous fiscal year defined by your organization. | |
:FiscalNextYear | The upcoming fiscal year as defined by your organization. | |
:LastMonday | The most recent Monday. | |
:LastTuesday | The most recent Tuesday. | |
:LastWednesday | The most recent Wednesday. | |
:LastThrusday | The most recent Thrusday. | |
:LastFriday | The most recent Friday. | |
:LastSaturday | The most recent Saturday. | |
:LastSunday | The most recent Sunday. | |
:LastWeek | The preceding calendar week starting with Monday. | |
:LastMonth | The preceding calendar month. | |
:LastQuarter | The preceding quarter as defined by your organization. | |
:LastYear | The preceding calendar year. | |
:NextDay | The upcoming day. | |
:NextWeek | The upcoming calendar week starting with Monday. | |
:NextMonth | The upcoming calendar month. | |
:NextQuarter | The upcoming quarter as defined by your organization. | |
:NextYear | The upcoming calendar year. | |
NextMonday | The upcoming Monday. | |
NextTuesday | The upcoming Tuesday. | |
NextWednesday | The upcoming Wednesday. | |
NextThrusday | The upcoming Thursday. | |
NextFriday | The upcoming Friday. | |
NextSatrurday | The upcoming Saturday. | |
NextSunday | The upcoming Sunday. | |
:Now | The current date and time. | |
:ThisWeek | The current calendar week. | |
:ThisMonth | The current calendar month. | |
:ThisQuarter | The current quarter as defined by your organization. | |
:ThisYear | The current calendar year. | |
:Today | The current day. | |
:Tomorrow | The upcoming calendar day. | |
:XDaysAgo | A number of previous days where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 3DaysAgo |
:XWeeksAgo | A number of previous weeks where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 6WeeksAgo |
:XMonthsAgo | A number of previous months where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 4MonthsAgo |
:XQuartersAgo | A number of previous quarters, as defined by your organization, where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 2QuartersAgo |
:XYearsAgo | A number of previous years where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 4YearsAgo |
:XDaysFromNow | A number of upcoming days where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 3DaysFromNow |
:XWeeksFromNow | A number of upcoming weeks where "X" is a placeholder for a number |
Replace the "x" with a numeric value. Example: 2WeeksFromNow |
:XMonthsFromNow | A number of upcoming months where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
for a number. Replace the "X value. Example: 6MonthsAgo |
:XQuartersFromNow | A number of upcoming quarters, as defined by your organization, where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 2QuartersFromNow |
:XYearsFromNow | A number of upcoming years where "X" is a placeholder for a number. |
Replace the "X" with a numeric value. Example: 2YearsFromNow |
:Yesterday | The preceding calendar day. |
Item | Description | Additional Input |
:Next<Month> | Parameter to specify a future month. |
Click in the Value is box and type Next followed by the month name. Example: :NextJanuary |
:Last<Month> | Parameter to specify a previous month |
Click in the Value is box and type :Last followed by the month name. Example: :LastDecember |
Integer/String Parameters
- In
Item | Description | Example |
:AccountOwnerList | Returns all unique seccodes that own accounts. | |
:DefectAssignList | Returns all unique seccodes that have defects assigned to them. | |
:DefectOwnerList | Returns all unique seccodes that own defects. | |
:DuplicateAccounts | Returns accounts where the same Account Name is associated with more than 1 account record. | Duplicate Suspects group |
:DuplicateContactEmails | Returns contacts where the same email address is associated with more than 1 contact record. | Duplicate Emails group |
:DuplicateMarketoContacts | Returns Marketo contacts where the same ContactID is associated with more than 1 Marketo contact record. | |
:DuplicateMarketoEmails | Returns Marketo leads where the same email address is associated with more than 1 record. | |
:DuplicateMarketoLeads | Returns Marketo leads where the same LeadID is associated with more than 1 Marketo lead record. | |
:TicketAssignList | Returns all unique seccodes that have tickets assigned to them. | |
:TouchedLeads | Returns leads where the modify date is more recent than the create date | Touched Leads group |
- = equal to
- <> not equal to
- > greater than
- < less than
- <= less than or equal to
- >= greater than or equal to
Item | Description |
AdHocGroupID | The ID of the current adhoc group |
BindID | The ID of the currently selected record (details view) |
OwnerID | The Seccode ID of the current user |
UserID | Current user's ID. |