Qualification Items tab
Use this view to add, modify, or remove qualification items.
Note: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can
access these features. See What are Roles and Secured Actions?
To access this view, select the Items tab on the Qualification detail view. See Using the Qualification detail view
On this page, you can:
- Add a qualification item. See Adding or modifying a qualification item
- Modify a qualification item. See Adding or modifying a qualification item
- Select a qualification and click to remove a qualification item.
This view contains the following columns:
Field Name | Description |
Visible | Indicates whether or not the item displays on the Lead detail view. |
Description | Indicates the description that displays on the Lead detail view. |
Sort Position | Indicates the order that the item displays on the Lead detail view. |
Show Notes | Indicates whether or not a user can type information in a notes field on the Lead detail view. |