Using lookup

The Lookup function is used to choose criteria from a pick list and to specify text. You require at least one search parameter for the query to display results. You can filter the search by including more conditions. You can also save a lookup as a group.

To perform a lookup:

  1. Access the detail or list view for the type of record you require to look up and select Lookup tab
    Note: You can:
    • Right-click the type of record you require to look up and click Lookup in the Navigation Bar. For example Lookup Accounts.
  2. Select a search condition from the list in the Lookup by field.
    • The Lookup by options are based on the columns included in the layout of the lookup, which are determined by the group you selected as the Default Lookup Layout in the Group options. To include another search item in the list, you must update the Default Lookup Layout group to include the column you require to search by, or change the Default Lookup Layout to a group that includes that column in the layout.
    • If you select a phone number or email option, the search is performed against all phone numbers or emails, not just phone numbers or emails for the selected option.

      For example, if you select Main Phone the lookup can also return matches in Home Phone, Mobile Phone, etc.

  3. Select a search condition operator from the list. For example, Contains or Starting with.
  4. Specify the search criteria according to the search condition you selected in the Next field.
    For example, if you are looking for the account named Abbott Ltd, you must specify ab in this field.
  5. Click Add Condition to add another search criteria and repeat steps 2-4 for each search criteria you add.
  6. Click Search.
    The records matching the criteria display in the Lookup Results tab.

    All searches are run on the records you can access.