Running a Report

Reports enables you to view information about contacts, accounts, opportunities, tickets, and other related data.

To run a report:

  1. Click Support on the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click Reports. The Reports list view is displayed.
  3. Select a report on the Reports tab. Right-click, and click one of these:
    1. Delete: Removes the selected report from your list.
    2. Run: Select this option for reports you require to run only once, or reports you require immediately.
    3. Schedule: Select this option to set up a day, date, and time to run a report and a recurrence. Use this option for reports that require to run regularly, or for large reports that you require to run at off-peak times.
  4. Click Finish after you make the selections using the Report Job Scheduler window.
  5. Access your report from the link displayed in the Jobs Progress window after the job is completed.
    Note: You can also click Close to close the window. The report continues to process in the background. When the report is available, a job notification alert displays in the menu bar. You can either view the report from the Job Notifications field or from the Reports History tab.