Sales Order and Quote Products tab

Use this view to add, edit, or remove products associated with the sales order or quote.

Note: This tab cannot be edited if:
  • The sales order or quote status is set to Won.
  • Infor CPQ is configured.

To access this tab, you can clickProducts tab on the Sales Order detail view.

Note: To access this tab, you can also click Products tab on the Quote detail view. Click More Tabs if the tab is not visible.

You can perform these actions:

  • Edit product information in the grid: Select the record to edit, make the changes in the grid, and click Save. To undo your changes, you must click Reset before you click Save.
    Note: Not all columns can be edited in the grid. To determine if a column can be edited, click in the grid.
  • Reorder the list numerically: Click Re-number Line Items.
  • Change the order of products: Select the required product and click the Up or Down icon to set the correct order. The Line Number changes to indicate the new position of the product.
    Note: This option is applicable for Back Office integration if Local Pricing is set to True.
  • Add a Product. See Adding Sales Order and Quote products
  • Delete a Product. See Removing a product from a sales order
  • Add or Edit a Custom Products. See Adding or modifying a custom product
  • Edit Sales Order or Quote Product Information. See Modifying Sales Order or Quote Product information

This view contains these fields:

  • The fields display based on whether or not your implementation is integrated with another application and the information available from the integrated application.
  • If Multi-Currency is configured, price information is reflected in the most recent currency code and exchange rate.
Click the Edit link to modify the product information. See Modifying Sales Order or Quote Product information
Note: If the Edit link is not available, the product or products cannot be modified.
Line Number or ERP Line Number
Displays the line number assigned to each item on the sales order or quote. Click Re-number line items to reorder the products on the grid. Renumbering ensures that all items are numbered in sequence. For example, products with line numbers 4,2,1,3 become 1,2,3,4 after renumbering.
Displays the product name.
Indicates if the product is a bundle that contains other product parts.
Brief description of the product.
Displays the Infor CPQ status (Infor CPQ only) . See Using Infor CPQ Configurator
  • Configure

    Click the link to view the CPQ graphical configurator.

  • Not Configurable

    The product is not configured for Infor CPQ.

  • Completed

    The product is configured in CPQ graphical configurator. You can click the link to view the product information in the CPQ configurator.

  • Partially Saved

    Click the link to access the CPQ graphical configurator and continue the configuration of the product.

  • Error

    An error occurred in CPQ. Click the link to access the CPQ graphical configurator and complete the configuration.

Price Level
Displays the price level used for this product. (Not available for Infor CRM Back Office Extension. See Back Office)
Displays the warehouse assigned to the product. Click the link to find and select the warehouse for the product. This field is displayed for Back Office Extension integrated environments only.
Displays the numeric quantity of the product added to the opportunity sales order or quote. Used to enter a new quantity.
Displays the scale used to measure the quantity of the product. For example, "Each" or "Box of 10". Infor CRM Back Office Extension only.
Unit Price
Displays the per unit price defined for the selected product. 

If Multi-Currency is enabled, the unit price is displayed using the quote or sales order currency. See Back Office

Displays the percentage by which the product is discounted. This is read-only or unavailable if integrated with Infor CPQ or Infor CRM SLX Back Office Extension.
ERP Adjustment
The ERP unit adjustment sum in base currency based on the Discount Charge Item Reason Code.
CRM Adjustment
Computed Unit Price Adjustment in base currency based on user input or published in Distributed Charge Bod element containing the CRM discount Reason Code
Unit Pretax Price
The unit price before any taxes are calculated.
Extended Pretax Amount
Displays the calculated price of Unit Price times the quantity.
Price Override
Indicates whether the price is overridden.
Configuration ID

(Infor CPQ only)

An internal or diagnostic unique identifier of the active quote or sales order.

Configuration Detail ID

(Infor CPQ only)

An internal or diagnostic unique identifier of the active quote or sales order product.

Adjusted Price
Displays the price of the product, minus the discount, in the sales order or quote currency. (Not available for Infor CRM Back Office Extentsion only. See Back Office)

If Multi-Currency is enabled, the adjusted price is displayed using the sales or quote currency.

ERP Status
The status within the integrated back office system. SeeBack Office
Extended Price
Displays the calculated total of the product price multiplied by the quantity, less any discount and converted to the sales order or quote currency type.

If Multi-Currency is enabled, the extended price is displayed using the quote or sales order currency.