Adding a forecast

Use this view to add a forecast, including the start and end dates and a description.

Creating a forecast helps you analyze your opportunity pipeline and can be used to measure your progress towards achieving a quota.

Note:  The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

To add a forecast:

  1. Select Forecast from New menu.
  2. Specify this information:
    Assigned To
    The user whose opportunity pipeline forecasts. If required, click Find to lookup and select a different user.
    Start Date
    The date to start the forecast. If you are creating a forecast for a specific quota, the start date must match the start date of the quota to measure against.
    End Date
    The end date is automatically calculated based on rules on your organization business requirements but can be modified.
    Specify a brief description of the forecast. For example, a description can include the user name and time period.
  3. Click Save.