Inserting a Custom Setting

You can use the Insert Custom Setting view to add a new custom setting.
Note: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features. See What are Roles and Secured Actions?

To insert a custom setting

  1. Select Administration > Custom Settings on the navigation bar.
  2. Right-click Custom Settings and select New Custom Setting
  3. Specify this information:
    Unique ID
    The unique name for the custom setting.
    The category the setting is associated with. The custom settings can be filtered by in the Custom Settings list view.
    The brief description of the customer setting.
    Data Type
    The type of option for the custom setting. You can click the drop-down arrow and select the type of option for the custom setting. Possible values:
    • Text
    • Integer
    • Number
    • True/False
    • Other
    Data Value
    The data value for the setting.
    The version number of the custom setting. The version number does not increment automatically.
  4. Click Save.