Using the Exchange Rate detail view

Use the Exchange Rate detail view to view, add, or modify information for a selected record.

  • The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features. See What are Roles and Secured Actions?
  • The workspace can be different based on the access rights or if the installation is customized.

To access the Exchange Rate detail view, select Administration from the Navigation Bar and select Exchange Rates to access the Exchange Rates list view. If required, use the Lookup to locate an exchange rate and click the description. See Using lookup

On this page, you can:

Information fields

Currency Code
The three-letter currency code.
A short description of the currency. For example, British Pound.
Conversion Rate
Specify the current exchange rate for this currency as it relates to your base currency. See Managing Currency
Create User
The name of the user who created the exchange rate.
Create Date
The date on which the exchange rate is created.
Modify User
The name of the user who last modified the exchange rate.
Modify Date
The date on which the exchange rate is last modified.