Using the Shipped Product fields
Use these fields to specify the information about the product being shipped to the customer as part of the return:
Box | Description/Action |
Received Product | The product returned by the customer. Click Finding records | and modify using the lookup. See
Product SKU | The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for the returned product. |
Serial Number | Displays the serial number for the returned product. |
Return Existing | Indicates whether the product being shipped back out to the customer is the same as the product the customer returned. |
Product | The product returned by the customer. Click Finding records | and modify using the lookup. See
Product SKU | The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for the product being shipped. |
Serial Number | Specify the serial number for the product being shipped if product is not the same as the product returned. |
Shipped | Once the assets are shipped to the customer, you can select the Shipped check-box. |
Shipped Date | The date that the new or replacement product is shipped to the customer.
To modify, click to select the date. |