Viewing marketo session log error details

The Error detail view displays the details of the errors generated during the synchronization of the data between the application and Marketo. You can use this information to troubleshoot the errors.

Note: Only the user with the Administrator role can access this window.

To view this window you can:

  1. Select Administration > Marketo Session Log. The Sessions list view is displayed.
  2. Click a Session. The Session Errors tab is displayed on the Marketo Session Log detail view.
  3. Click the error description. The Error detail window is displayed.

You can view this information for a selected error:

Field Name Description
Description A brief description of the error.
Application Entity The application entity with which the error is associated.
Action The suggested operation to resolve the error.
Infor CRM ID The application ID.
Marketo ID The Marketo ID.
Details The details of the error.