Using the speedsearch manager database index Filter & Preview Fields tab

Use the Filter & Preview Fields tab in the SpeedSearch Manager Database Index view to review, add, modify, or delete index fields that can be specifically filtered by values in that field when using advanced search expressions in the SpeedSearch search field.

Note: The system administrator and users with appropriate role can access these features.

To access the Filter & Preview Fields tab:

  1. Select Administration in the navigation bar and click SpeedSearch Manager to access the SpeedSearch Manager list view.
  2. Click the Database Indexes tab and select an index from the list.
  3. Click the Filter & Preview Fields tab and view the list of fields in the Detail pane. If the Detail pane is not displayed, click Detail in the list view toolbar.

On this page, you can:

  • Click Add to add a Filter & Preview field. See Adding or modifying a speedsearch database index Filter & Preview Field
  • Select the required field and click Edit to modify a Filter & Preview field.
  • Select the required field and click Delete to delete a Filter & Preview field.
  • Click the grid Plus icon and select the field of the columns you require to display in the grid and clear the fields of the columns you require to hide in the grid. Hover the arrow on the menu and click close after performing the task.