Working with multi-regional pick lists

Multi-regional pick lists are pick lists with items that are specific to more than one language. For example, you can create a multi-regional pick list with localized items for English, German, and Simplified Chinese.

When a user selects a multi-regional pick list, the items in the list are filtered to only display the localized items for the language that matches the browser language setting. If pick list items are not available for the selected language, application can attempt to find an item based on the country culture code or country code. If a match cannot be found, an untranslated pick list item is displayed.
  • Some pick lists do not have a Default Language set and must be modified:
    • Standard pick lists and pick list items.
    • Pick lists and pick list items localized by a language pack bundle.
  • Some pick lists cannot or must not be localized:
    • Multi-select pick lists, both standard and custom, cannot be localized.
    • Pick lists that contain a dependency, for example mail merge, reports or pick lists that contain logic that changes the content of the pick list based on another selection must not be converted from a text pick list to a code pick list because doing so can break the dependency.
    • Activity pick lists whose code values are hard coded based on the activity type, for example Regarding, Category, Priority, and Result.
    • Most address pick lists where the dialog control is not exposed on a form in Application Architect and therefore the StorageMode property cannot be set to Code.
    • Pick lists that allow users to specify a value that do not match a list item.
    • Pick lists where Can Edit Text is set to True and Text Must Match a List Item is set to False.
  • Rules:
    • Once a pick list is assigned a default language that cannot be changed.
    • After converting a pick list to a code pick list and assigning the default language, you must add localized pick list items for each supported language
    • Pick list items designated as the primary must have a default language set before they can be localized
    • Pick list items designated as the primary must have a value defined for the pick list default language.

      This must happen automatically upon creation of new pick list items if the pick list has a Default Language value set.

    • For Multi-regional pick list items, the Code field is required.
    • When implementing a multi-regional pick list on a form, the field storage mode must be set to Code.
  • For ERP integrations:
    • When translated pick list items are populated through BODs, the default language is determined by the integrated back office application.
    • Pick List references in the BODs must exactly match the pick list names and pick list items in the application to avoid mismatched data.
  • Tips and Troubleshooting
    • After updating items in a pick list, it is recommended to instruct users to refresh pick list data to view the latest updates. To refresh pick list data, navigate to Tools menu, click Options, and on the General tab, click Refresh Pick List Data. See General options
    • If the pick list is not filtering by language, then the pick list control’s storage mode property cannot be set to Code. Changing the storage mode property requires a rebuild of the Web Platform and redeployment of Slx Client to take effect.
    • If the values in a group column do not match the selected language, the group column must be formatted as Pick List item.