Working with the Navigation Bar shortcut menus

The Navigation Bar shortcut menus enable you to access a list view, create a new record, or when applicable, create a new group. The shortcut menu options available vary based on the record type.

Note: The Navigation Bar shortcut menu is not available for What's New, Library, Reports, or Processes.

To access the Navigation Bar shortcut menu

On the Navigation Bar, right-click Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Leads, Contracts, Returns, Defects or Tickets.

Menu Item Description
Lookup Dispalys the Lookup.
New Displays the New Contact/Account, New Opportunity, New Lead, Insert New Contract, Insert New Defect, Insert Return, or New Ticket view.
Save as Group Only available in a list view after a Lookup is performed. Creates a new group using the lookup search criteria.
Create New Group Displays the New Group window that allows you to define group criteria.

To access the shortcut menu for calendar or activities

On the Navigation Bar, right-click Calendar or Activities.

Menu Item Description
Schedule Phone Call Displays the Schedule Phone Call view.
Schedule Meeting Displays the Schedule Meeting view.
Schedule To Do Displays the Schedule To Do view.
Schedule Personal Activity Displays the Schedule Personal Activity view.
Schedule Event Displays the Schedule Event view.