Using SpeedSearch

To perform a SpeedSearch:

  1. To access the SpeedSearch view, perform one of the following:
    • Specify search information in the Menu Bar. Click SpeedSearch.
    • Click SpeedSearch from the Ticket Details tab or in the Insert Ticket view.
    • Click Advanced SpeedSearch from the Tools menu.
  2. Define the search criteria, if required. If accessed from the menu bar SpeedSearch this information is already completed.
    • Specify the types of records to search, click the arrow to select the check boxes of the record types.
      • To clear all check boxes clear the Clear or Select All check box.
      • To select all check boxes select the Clear or Select All check box.
        • The previously selected options remain selected.
        • The most frequently used options are listed under Most Frequently Used. The number of Most Frequently Used to display is determined by the administrator. If multiple record types have the same frequency, the option most recently used record type displays.
    • Specify the search criteria in the SpeedSearch field. As you type, a list of matching options displays based on the selected record types.
      Note: To search based on only the first few letters, type the first few letters, and then add an asterisk to return records starting with the specified letters.
  3. Set additional search options.
    • Click Maximize to display additional search options.
    • Click Minimize to hide additional search options.
    • Click the Maximum Results option and select the maximum number of results to display per record type.
    • Click the Search Method arrow and select one of these options:
      • Match on all words (AND): The search only locates items containing all of the keywords. The search ignores words for example and, the, and a.
      • Match on any word (OR): The search locates items containing at least one of the keywords that user entered.
      • Match the exact phrase: The search only locates items containing all of the keywords displaying together exactly as you specified them in the Keywords field.
      • Boolean (AND, OR, NOT): The search uses straight search logic to locate items containing the keywords for example and, the, and a.
      • Natural Language: If you specify a sentence in the Keywords field and this option is selected, the search explains the sentence to determine which keywords to locate. Natural language searches can take longer than other searches.
    • Under Search Options select any of these options:
      • Root: The search looks for root words in addition to any keywords you speicfied containing prefixes, suffixes, or alternate verb forms. For example, if you entered printing this also searches for print.
      • Thesaurus: The search looks for synonyms in addition to the keywords you specified. For example, if you specified customer this also searches for client.
      • Sounds Like: The search looks for words that sound similar to the keywords you specified. For example, if you specified Smith this also searches for Smythe.
        Note: If you use the Match the exact phrase search method and any of the three options: Root, Thesaurus or Sounds Like, there is a possibility that the search can return more records than you require. To find specific records, use large phrases with more descriptive words and clear the three check box options.
  4. Click SpeedSearch.
  5. View the search results for each of the selected record types.
    • To see the matching information place the mouse over the number link in the Matches column.
    • Click the Name column link to access the detail view of the record.
    • Click the Minimize icon to collapse the results of any record type. Click the Maximize icon to expand the results.
    • You also can:
      • Sort records: Click the column header you require to use to sort your list. To change the direction of the sort, click the column heading again. All columns cannot be sorted.
      • Display or hide columns: Click Add and select the check box of the columns to display in the grid and clear the check boxes of the columns you require to hide in the grid. When finished, click Close to close the menu. By default all columns are visible until hidden.
      • Move columns: Click the column you require to move and drag and drop the column to the new position in the grid.
      • Resize columns: Click and hold the column divider and drag to the size you require.
    Note: If you experience problems accessing or using SpeedSearch, contact your Infor CRM SLX Administrator. SpeedSearch configuration and troubleshooting information is available in the Administrator Help.