Adding or modifying a trigger definition

Use the Triggers tab on the Database Manager list view to add or modify a trigger definition. To add or modify a trigger of a selected table use the Table Triggers tab. See Using the database manager table Triggers tab

You can also modify the trigger definition on the Trigger CRM Details tab. See Using the database manager trigger CRM Details tab

Note: The system administrators can only access these features. These features are not available in Oracle environments. See What are Roles and Secured Actions?

To add or modify a trigger definition:

  1. Select Administration > Database Manager on the navigation bar. The Database Manager list view is displayed.
  2. Click the Triggers tab in the Details pane.
    • If the details pane is not displayed, click Detail in the list view toolbar.
    • You can also click the Triggers tab and select the New Trigger option in the Database Tasks section of the Task Pane.
  3. Click Add to add a trigger.
    Note: To modify a trigger, you can select the trigger in the list and click Edit.
  4. Specify the definition and the name of the trigger in the Definition field.
    • Only CREATE TRIGGER statements are permitted.
    • The trigger name must be unique.
  5. Click Execute to apply the definition.