Adding or viewing table indexes in Database Manager

Use the Table Indexes tab in the Database Manager view to add an index to a table.

Note: The system administrator can only access these features. These features are not available in Oracle environments.

To add or view an index:

  1. Select Administration > Database Manager on the navigation bar.
  2. Click the Tables tab. The Tables list view is displayed.
  3. Click the Indexes tab in the Detail pane.
    Note: If the Detail pane is not displayed, click Detail in the list view toolbar.
  4. Click Add to add a new table index. The Add Database Index window is displayed.
    Note: You can click the Index Name to view the index details.
  5. Specify this information:
    Table Name
    The table associated with the index.
    Note: This table is selected in the Tables tab and cannot be modified.
    Index Name
    The name of the index.
    Note: The index name must be 30 characters or less (for Oracle). This includes the name and the index.
    Select this check box if the index is clustered.
    Select this check box if the index is unique.
    Select the check boxes of the fields that contains an index.
  6. Click OK to save when adding an index or click Close if viewing an index.