Campaign Budget/Results tab

The Campaign Budget/Results tab helps you track campaign related costs. You can view the budget, response information, cost metrics, and opportunity statistics for the campaign. If Multi-Currency is configured, select the display using My Currency check box to view budget and results information using the currency type you selected in the user options. See Understanding Multi-Currency

Use the Campaign Budget/Results tab to view these information:

  • Budget

    Breaks down Budgeted and Actual Task Costs, Expenses, Calculated Costs and the Target Costs and calculates the variance between Budget and Actual values.

    Budget Budget Actual Variance
    Task Costs The budgeted costs for all tasks associated with the campaign. The actual costs for all tasks associated with the campaign. The difference between the budgeted and actual task costs.
    Expenses Type the budgeted expenses associated with the campaign. Type the actual expenses associated with the campaign. The difference between the budgeted and actual expenses.
    Calculated Cost The budgeted costs and expenses associated with the campaign. The actual costs and expenses associated with the campaign. The difference between the budgeted and actual calculated costs.
    Est. Cost Type the estimated costs associated with the campaign. The actual cost of the campaign. The difference between the budgeted and actual expenses.
  • Cost Metrics

    Breaks down Budgeted and Actual Cost per Target, Cost per Response, Cost per Opportunity, and the Cost per Sale and calculates the variance between Budget and Actual values.

    Cost Metrics Budget Actual Variance
    Cost / Target The budgeted calculated cost divided by the potential number of contact and lead responses. The actual calculated cost divided by the potential number of contact and lead responses. The difference between the budgeted cost per target and actual cost per target.
    Cost / Response The budgeted calculated cost divided by the actual number of contact and lead responses. The actual calculated cost divided by the actual number of contact and lead responses. The difference between the budgeted cost per response and actual cost per response.
    Cost / Opp The budgeted calculated cost divided by all open opportunities associated to the campaign. The actual calculated cost divided by all open opportunities associated to the campaign. The difference between the budgeted cost per opportunity and actual cost per opportunity.
    Cost / Sale The budgeted calculated cost divided by the all closed and won opportunities associated with the campaign. The actual calculated cost divided by the all closed and won opportunities associated with the campaign. The difference between the budgeted cost per sale and actual cost per sale.
  • Response

    Breaks down Potential, Expected, Actual Responses and Response Rates for contacts and leads and calculates the variance between Expected and Actual response information.

    Response Potential Expected Actual Variance
    Contact Response Qty The number of contacts included in the campaign. Type the number of contacts that you expect will respond to the campaign. The actual number of contacts that responded to the campaign. The difference between the expected and actual contact responses.
    Contact Response Rate The potential response rate will always be 100%. The expected number of contact responses divided by the number of potential contact responses. The actual number of contact responses divided by the number of potential contact responses. The difference between the expected contact response rate and the actual contact response rate.
    Lead Response Qty The number of leads included in the campaign.

    Type the number of leads that you expect will respond to the campaign.

    If a new quantity is entered, the expected rate is recalculated.

    The actual number of leads that responded to the campaign. The difference between the expected and actual lead responses.
    Lead Response Rate The potential response rate will always be 100%.

    The expected number of lead responses divided by the number of potential lead responses.

    If a new rate is entered, the expected quantity is recalculated.

    The number is automatically changed to a percent. For example, '50' will be '50%'. If you enter '.5', then it will be '.5%'.

    The actual number of lead responses divided by the number of potential lead responses. The difference between the expected lead response rate and the actual lead response rate.
  • Opportunities

    Breaks down the opportunities associated with the campaign by status, and calculates the number of responses and the response rate.

    • Open Potential - The potential sales amount for all open opportunities associated with the campaign.
    • Open Weighted - The potential sales amount multiplied by the close probability for all open opportunities associated with the campaign.
    • Actual Won - The actual sales amount for all closed and won opportunities associated with the campaign.
    • Actual Lost - The actual sales amount for all closed and lost opportunities associated with the campaign.
    Opportunities % Rate Qty
    Response to Opp The actual contact response. The number of all opportunities associated with the campaign.
    Open Opportunities Percent of open opportunities that are associated with the campaign. The number of open opportunities that are associated with the campaign.
    Opportunities Won Percent of closed and won opportunities that are associated with the campaign. The number of closed and won opportunities that are associated with the campaign.
    Opportunities Lost Percent of closed and lost opportunities that are associated with the campaign. The number of closed and lost opportunities that are associated with the campaign.