Using the detail view Group list

The detail view Group list displays a list of all of the records in a group or lookup from within the detail view. You can see other records that are in the group or lookup, or click a record in the list to navigate to that Record detail view. There are two different modes for the Group List, the regular mode displays only the record name, the extended mode displays additional columns with more information. You can set options to determine the default behavior for the Group list.

You can:

  • Click Expand Group List icon to displays extended details.
  • Click Minimize Group List to hide extended details.

To set group list options:

  1. Click Extended Group List Options icon.
  2. Specify the number of columns to be displayed in the extended details mode in the Columns field. To view all of the columns that are displayed when in the List view, specify 0. The columns are determined by columns that display in the list view.
  3. Select or clear the Hide extended group list on record selection option.
    • Select this option to hide extended list after selecting a record from the list.
    • Clear this option to keep the group list in the current state after selecting a record from the list.
  4. Select or clear the Stay in detail view on lookup option.
    • Select this option to remain in the detail view when navigating through the records in Lookup results.
    • Clear this option to always display Lookup results in the list view.
  5. Select or clear the Display extended group list on lookup option.
    • Select this option to show the extended list when viewing the detail view of records in Lookup results.
    • Clear this option to automatically hide the extended list details when viewing the detail view of records in Lookup results.
  6. Click OK.